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No Waste. Better Results.

Viewership has changed forever - CTV and OTT gives tremendous control to the viewer. The growth of CTV and OTT brings amazing opportunities for advertisers to position their message more effectively. 

The BLOCKBOARD Platform is built on blockchain technology which provides transparency for every impression increasing confidence and trust with our advertisers.

When I needed impact - I turned to BLOCKBOARD. My new product launch returned a 4x ROAS.
- Brand Manager, national CPG product

Precision Reach

Our goal is to help you achieve your business needs.

BLOCKBOARD delivers precision reach on the biggest, most persistent digital device in your customer's home. The Connected TV.

Every impression is vetted through our propriety Smart Contract - and delivered with 99.999% confidence to the right human audience at the right time with the right message.

Advertisers benefit from 'TV' exposure with their brand message as well as sequential messaging with call to action drivers on retargeted OTT devices.

Watch Matt Timothy's presentation at BLOCKBOARD's UpNEXT event.

Why Blockchain?

Blockchain is a secure and transparent ledger that validates every impression. 

Accountability is critical for all advertisers - especially in the developing CTV / OTT space.

Blockchain ensures each impression is delivered accurately to increase your confidence that your message was delivered to the right person at the right time in the right place.


BLOCKBOARD eliminates waste in your media spend - which means money is only spent the right way. To get your message out and customers in.

Watch BLOCKBOARD's solutions video.

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